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Inspir£ Judging Categories & Awards

Contestants will be judged based on the following:


Casual Wear - (15 points)- Casual Wear should be an outfit for everyday wear that is fashionable. No Sweats


Sports Wear - (15 points)- Sports Wear should be an outfit that shows off your favorite team. Think how you can stand out and be fashionable in your sports gear.


Talent - 3 minutes -anything over points will be deducted    (10 points)


Formal Wear - (20 points)- Formal Wear should be an outfit that is formal, and elegant. Think of something you would wear to a prom, wedding or other special occasion.


Question and answer- to be asked anytime during the pageant (20 points)


Photo - (There will also be a separate winner for this category/to be considered for the pageant overall winner

contestant must also pay to submit a photo) (20 points)






Grand Titles for this Pageant (Example of Awards: cash, trophies, sash, crowns, gift cards, etc.)

Prizes are not given until completion of awards ceremony. Prizes are subject to change without notice.


Miss Inspir£d (15-17)

Jr. Inspir£d Tween (12-14)


Acknowledged Category and additional Winners (Example of Awards: cash, sashes, Trophies, gift cards etc.)

Prizes are not given until completion of awards ceremony. Prizes are subject to change without notice.


Most Inspir£d Photo (Most photogenic- Photo entry fee must be paid along with head shot only of contestant)

Most Inspir£d Personality - (Best Stage Personality throughout the pageant)

Most Inspir£d Talent - (Best Talent)

Most Inspir£d Stage Presence - (Best Contestant that commands the stage throughout the pageant)

Most Inspir£d Pose - (Best Poses throughout the pageant)

Most Inspir£d Smile - (Best Smile throughout the pageant)

Most Inspir£d Fashion - (Best wardrobes throughout the pageant)

Most Inspir£d Entrepreneur - (Most tickets sold)

Pageant Awards

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